Tuesday 27 October 2015

Social Network for the People, owned by the People

Vision Statement  

Our concept is that with every social network the value and power is the users/members, why souldn't the users/members get value and ownership rights for their input.

When you join Share United you are issued credits and for each social action you take you will receive more credits, for every 1000 credits you earn we issue you 1 share of Share United Pty Ltd.

Share United is a private Australian registered Pty Ltd company listed with ASIC.

Our goal is once we reach sufficent membership and revenue to take the company public, giving our membership shares real value.

Our promise and contract with you is that Share United members will always own minumum of 51% of Share United Pty Ltd.

This 51% ownership is divided by shares and more shares will be issued as our membership grows.

The earliest to register and most active members will earn the highest amount of shares. Share United

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